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We, Canarias-Travel24, take the protection of your personal data very seriously and follow strictly the data protection laws. Personal data collected from you on this website is only collected to the technically necessary extent and is never sold or otherwise passed on to third parties. An exception to this is the transfer of data to our service partners who require technical information to process orders.

The following statement provides an overview of how we ensure this protection and what type of data is collected for what purpose.

Data processing on this website

Canarias-Travel24 automatically collects and stores information in its server log files that your browser transmits to us. These are:
Browser type/version
Operating system used
Referrer URL (the previously visited page)
Hostname of the accessing computer (IP address)
Time of the server request

We cannot assign these data to specific individuals.

These data are not merged with other data sources, and the data are deleted after statistical analysis.

Security of your personal data

Canarias-Travel24 protects your personal data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Canarias-Travel24 ensures that your personal information stored on the server is in a controlled, secure environment where unauthorized access and disclosure are prevented. When security-related personal information, such as credit card numbers, is transmitted, it is protected through encryption using "Secure Socket Layer (SSL)". Please note that personal information you publish in publicly accessible areas, such as guestbooks, can be misused by other users.

Inquiry and contact form

The information you provide to us through the inquiry or contact forms on our website is stored for the purpose of processing the inquiry and in case of follow-up questions or subsequent bookings. We do not share this data without your consent. Only in the case of a booking will your data be passed on to the owner of the holiday accommodation. The processing of the data entered in the inquiry or contact form is therefore based solely on your consent (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR). You can revoke this consent at any time. A simple notification via email to us is sufficient. The legality of the data processing operations carried out until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.

The data you enter in the inquiry or contact form will remain with us until you request us to delete it, revoke your consent to storage, or the purpose for data storage no longer applies (e.g., after your inquiry has been processed). Mandatory legal provisions – especially retention periods – remain unaffected.

Disclosure of your information

Canarias-Travel24 does not share your personal data with third parties unless it is necessary for the processing of business transactions. The data transmitted is limited to the minimum required. However, if Canarias-Travel24 is legally obliged or ordered by court to do so, we will only disclose your data to authorized state institutions and authorities.

Comment function on this website

For the comment function on this site, in addition to your comment, information on the time the comment was created, your email address, and the username you have chosen will be stored.

Storage of IP address

Our comment function stores the IP addresses of users who post comments. Since we do not review comments before they are published on our site, we need this data to take action against the author in case of legal violations such as insults or propaganda.

Storage duration of comments

The comments and associated data (e.g. IP address) are stored and remain on our website until the commented content is completely deleted or the comments must be deleted for legal reasons (e.g. insulting comments).

Legal basis

The storage of comments is based on your consent (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR). You can revoke your consent at any time. A simple notification via email to us is sufficient. The legality of the data processing operations already carried out remains unaffected by the revocation.


1. Information about the Twitter Profile

We utilize the technical platform and services of Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA.

Please note that you use the Twitter microblogging service and its functions at your own responsibility. This applies especially to the use of interactive features (e.g., retweeting, liking).

2. Processing of Personal Data by Twitter

Data collected during the use of the service is processed by Twitter Inc. and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union. This includes your IP address, the application used, details about the device you used (including device ID and application ID), information about visited web pages, your location, and your mobile service provider. These data are associated with your Twitter account or profile.

We have no control over the type and scope of data processed by Twitter, the type of processing and use, or the disclosure of this data to third parties. Information about which data Twitter processes and for what purposes can be found in Twitter's privacy policy:; as well as the option to access your own data on Twitter:

Additionally, you have the option to request information via the Twitter privacy form or archive requests:;

3. Privacy Settings on Twitter

The Twitter profiles of Canarias-Travel24 provide you with the opportunity to react to our posts, comment on them, etc. Please carefully consider which personal data you share with us via our Twitter profiles. If you wish to prevent Twitter from processing personal data transmitted by you to us, please contact us through alternative means, such as our email address.

You have options to restrict the processing of your data in the general settings of your Twitter account and under the "Privacy and Safety" section. Additionally, you can limit Twitter's access to contact and calendar data, photos, location data, etc., on mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers) in the settings available there. However, this depends on the operating system used. Further information on these points is available on the following Twitter support pages:

Through Twitter buttons or widgets embedded in websites and the use of cookies, Twitter can track your visits to these websites and associate them with your Twitter profile. Based on this data, content or advertising can be tailored and offered to you. Information on this and the available settings can be found on the following Twitter support pages:;


We use the web analysis tool "Matomo" to design our websites to meet your needs. Matomo creates user profiles based on pseudonyms. For this purpose, permanent cookies are stored on your device and read by us. This enables us to recognize and count returning visitors. We also use the Heatmap & Session Recording modules. Matomo's heatmap service shows us the areas of our website where the mouse is moved most frequently or which are clicked most frequently. The session recording service records individual user sessions. We can play back recorded sessions and thus analyze the use of our website. Data entered in forms is not recorded and is not visible at any time.

The data processing is carried out on the basis of your consent in accordance with Section 25 Para. 1 TTDSG, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR, provided that you have given your consent via our banner. You can revoke your consent at any time. Please make the appropriate settings via our banner.

You can find further information on Matomo's terms of use and data protection regulations at:

Embedded videos

We embed videos on our websites that are not stored on our servers. Accessing our pages with embedded videos results in content from the third-party provider that provides the videos being reloaded. This gives the third-party provider the information that you have accessed our site and the usage data technically required in this context.

We have no influence on the further data processing by the third-party provider. However, when embedding the videos, we made sure to activate the extended data protection mode offered by the third-party provider. The extended data protection mode means that the third-party provider does not set any cookies.

The embedding is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a) GDPR and in the interest of making our site as appealing and informative as possible.

Provider Appropriate level of data protection Options for objection
Google Ireland Limited, Google LLC (YouTube) No adequate level of data protection If you would like to object to the embedding, please stop using our site.

Access-protected area (member portal)

If you want to access our access-protected area If you would like to use our member portal, you must first register for the member portal.
We only collect the data that is required for registration. The processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR or on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR in the interest of providing you with the services and information of the access-protected area. If we collect further data, this is marked as voluntary and is based on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR. We provide you with detailed information on the processing of your data in connection with the member portal here.

If you would like to permanently unsubscribe from our access-protected area, please use the unsubscribe option that we provide you in the area.

Map services

We embed map services on our websites that are not stored on our servers. Visiting our pages with embedded map services results in content being reloaded from the third-party provider that provides the map services. This gives the third-party provider the information that you have accessed our page and the usage data technically required in this context. We have no influence on the further data processing by the third-party provider. The embedding is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR in the interest of enabling you to use map services.

Provider Appropriate level of data protection Opportunity to object
OpenStreetMap Processing only within the EU/EEA If you would like to object to the embedding, please stop using our site.

Modification of these Privacy Policies

Canarias-Travel24 reserves the right to modify these security and privacy measures as necessary due to technological advancements. In such cases, we will also adjust our privacy notices accordingly. Therefore, please refer to the most current version of our privacy policy.


Persons under the age of 18 should not transmit personal data to us without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. We do not request, collect, or disclose personal data from children and teenagers to third parties.


To enhance your experience on this website, we use cookies at multiple points. They are intended to make our offering more user-friendly, effective, and secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer by your browser. Most of the cookies we use are called "session cookies." They are automatically deleted after your visit ends. Cookies do not cause any harm to your computer and do not contain viruses.

To delete a cookie or change the cookie handling in general, simply consult the help section of your preferred browser. Typically, these settings can be found under Extras → Data protection settings (Firefox) or under Extras → Internet options → Data protection (Internet Explorer).

What else?

The entry of personal data, which are stored on our site (profile information, comments, etc.), is always voluntary whenever possible. The use of offers and services is, as far as possible, always possible without providing personal data. Since data transmission over the Internet (e.g., when communicating via email) can have security vulnerabilities, complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible.

Right of information

You have the right to request information about the data stored regarding your person, their origin and recipients, as well as the purpose of their storage by us.

Security notice

We make every effort to store your personal data in a manner that is inaccessible to third parties by taking all technical and organizational measures. However, we cannot guarantee complete data security during communication via email, so we recommend postal mail for confidential information.

Further information

Your trust is important to us. Therefore, we are always available to answer any questions you may have regarding the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions that this privacy policy could not answer, or if you require detailed information on a particular point, please contact us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..